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The 30-Day Faith Detox: Renew Your Mind, Cleanse Your Body, Heal Your Spirit, by Laura Harris Smith

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A Reset Button for Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
In our fallen world, invisible toxins like doubt, disappointment, and discouragement can contaminate even the strongest of faiths, leaving behind symptoms that affect our entire being--body, mind, and spirit.
Using a one-month detox structure, spiritual wellness expert and certified nutritional counselor Laura Harris Smith uncovers 30 universal faith-toxins that affect us all. Each day you will discover Scripture, prayers, and faith declarations to cleanse yourself spiritually and emotionally with truth and a biblical perspective. In addition, she includes a simple, corresponding nutritional cleanse using detoxifying foods from your own kitchen.
Prayer by prayer, thought by thought, day by day, refresh and refuel your faith and bring healing to the whole temple--spirit, mind, and body.
- Sales Rank: #34305 in Books
- Brand: Baker Pub Group/Baker Books
- Published on: 2016-01-05
- Released on: 2016-01-05
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.50" h x .58" w x 5.50" l, .70 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 256 pages
The 30-Day Faith Detox: Renew Your Mind, Cleanse Your Body, Heal Your Spirit
"Smith (Seeing the Voice of God) aims to help the reader renew lost Christian faith by putting "doubt on a diet" through a month-long regimented cleansing and meditation program with a daily three-prong approach: Scripture-based discussions of the troubling challenges in our daily lives that can erode faith, partnered with specific prayer suggestions directed at finding hope and comfort in the midst of difficult emotions, and a juice fast focusing on detoxifying each of the major systems of the body over two days by choosing different colors of fruits and vegetables. She includes five categories of possible "faith toxins," which she explores for six days each: social influence, finance, health, relationships, and purpose and identity. Smith's nutritional credentials are minimal, but her recipes are simple and easy to follow, and she has an original approach to tough topics; her warm sincerity as a spiritual guide comes through in her writing. This is a highly guided renewal program that addresses mind, body, and spirit."
-Publishers Weekly
From the Author
Hi all! I'm Laura Harris Smith, author of The 30-Day Faith Detox and I wanted to let you know that while there are plenty of great detox books on the market right now, I've worked hard to jam-pack extra daily online help into mine because you need more than paper and ink to help you with a life transformation! So, to give you an extra winning advantage, I've included a link on the final page of the book that directs you to the free 30-Day Faith Detox CHALLENGE which provides you with:
- 30 daily videos shot right from my own kitchen where I make one of the daily recipes for you and prepare you for that day's devotional from the book.
- a place to sign up for free encouraging emails from me during your 30-day detox
- access to free detox recipe cards from my personal website (there are already 150 recipe combinations within the book itself).
- prayer for you while on your faith detox journey. I want to invest in you... body, mind and spirit.
What other detox book out there helps you body, mind and spirit for a whole transformation, while also providing you daily help and inspiration right from the author's kitchen? Plus encouraging emails from her. Listen, when you buy The 30-Day Faith Detox book, you know who I am, but when you sign up for the 30-Day Faith Detox CHALLENGE, I will know who YOU are! As a certified nutritional counselor, author and minister, I can help you body, mind and spirit. It's what I do. Are you ready to invest 30 days into your spiritual, emotional and physical health? Let's get going! The 30-Day Faith Detox is a reset button for your body, mind and spirit!~lauraLauraHarrisSmith.com
From the Back Cover
A reset button for your body, mind and spirit!In this new, groundbreaking total-being cleanse, wellness expert and certified nutritional counselor Laura Harris Smith takes on not only your body but also your mind and spirit.
Day by day, prayer by prayer, you will confront 30 universal faith toxins like doubt, discouragement and anger. And flush them out.Each day offers a simple body detox that associates specific body organs with the faith toxins you are flushing out, and by the end of the 30 days, you will have a total body detox.
Using ingredients right from your own kitchen, you'll get delicious recipes for colorful smoothies, juices, soups and entrees. There's even a section for veggie-haters! Make the connection between physical health and spiritual health, and start feeling better physically, mentally and spiritually.
"Excellent read--well written, relevant, compassionate, empowering for anyone looking for physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual renewal."--Dr. Jim Sharps, N.D., H.D., Dr.N.Sc., Ph.D., president and CEO, International Institute of Original Medicine
"Laura has provided the tools for us to apply disciplines in our everyday lives that will help us to be able to live freely and promote health in our body, soul and spirit."-- Pastor Beni Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, California; author, Healthy and Free
"With smoothie recipes like 'Brain Boosting Banana Choco Chip Smoothie' and 'The Bright Skin Blend,' Laura is now sure to become the Smoothie Queen!"--Paul McCulloch, franchise owner, Smoothie King International
"This is an awesome book because it talks about your body, soul and spirit. This wonderful book will help you obtain wholeness in 30 days."--Dr. Marilyn Hickey, president, Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Take the 30-Day Detox Challenge! Get access to daily videos, recipes and more inside!
Most helpful customer reviews
27 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
Transformed body, mind, & spirit
By Jen Callaway
Today marks day 30 of my faith detox journey. I’ve lost weight, but gained much faith. Transformed my body, mind, and spirit. The physical and spiritual changes are amazing. It feels good to be eating all healthy foods of fruits and veggies, no gluten, and using olive oil to do stir frys or instead of salad dressings doing olive oil and apple cider vinegar for salads. I did not use a microwave due to all the radiation and how it makes your living food dead. If I needed to heat up anything it was always over the stove. I changed the products I used on my skin for showering, washing my hands, and deodorant without aluminum or harmful chemicals. I didn’t use make up due to all the chemicals and toxins, but I sometimes used powder. I enjoyed the Epsom salt baths. I was getting more sleep each night and trying to aim for 8-9 hours if possible. I didn’t use any medicine either and instead food was my medicine. Those were just some of the physical changes. There were several spiritual toxins that I was able to focus upon which included social, financial, health, relationship, and identity toxins. There were so many things I learned and I will just mention the main things I learned from each section or else this will be too long. In regards to social/media toxins I deleted the facebook app off my phone to use my time with God and it doesn’t matter if people let you down in life. We are all human and remember to keep your focus on the Lord. Financially I realized I was needing to give more to God and get rid of extra stuff. In the health section I got to look at the difference of healing and miracles plus believing in God during those times of sickness. The relationship section showed me how to pray for unsaved loved ones and how to respond to others in various situations. The identity section really helped me. It made me realize I don’t have to be perfect in everyone else’s eyes. I just need to be who I am in Christ and please Him. Plus make sure that you wait on God and that He is not waiting on you. Also, we will all face persecution. I know that to be true in life and especially after doing this faith detox. I had some encouraging people and others who thought I was crazy and said you don’t need to be on a ‘diet’ or ‘lose weight’, but it was not a diet and that’s not what this was about. I want to continue eating healthy even though several think I should go back to my old habits after this faith detox is finished. Our bodies are the temple of God and I hope to keep my temple clean, pure, and holy. I can’t wait to read section 8 in the book, start day 31 tomorrow, and see what God has in store for my future.
17 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
If you read this book, be ready to change your life!!
By Jeris Real Reviews
Laura Harris Smith, Certified Nutritional Counselor, has written a thoroughly cleansing read, no pun intended. This book combines a safe, not radical dietary detox combined with spiritual insight. The author lays out a 30 day plan which includes specific scriptures and prayers for each day as well as a meal plan.
Ms. Smith speaks from her own experience in writing this book. She was raised eating homegrown vegetables and fruits. She did not grow up on processed foods. Her father always told her to "eat the rainbow" of vegetables and fruits. She tells her story of having children and in her busy life, she more and more chose processed foods. The foods that are in "boxes, bags or cans that sit in the middle of your grocery store." "Dead food" as opposed living foods which line the walls of the store. She advises that if we would eat more of these foods, mainly produce, meats and dairy, we would be healthier.
She found herself in the habit of not getting enough sleep, eating poorly, not exercising and not being well. She accumulated a sleep deficit that landed her on the brink of adrenal failure. She was dabbling at good health, not making it a priority. This describes many of us; we keep going with lack of sleep, fast food, less exercise than we should and being basically not well as our "new normal."
The author has outlined a way for us to change all of that with a change to the way we look at food and our health in general. In this book she outlines a 30-day plan to detox safely and sanely which will put us on the right path to physical and spiritual health. Have you ever thought you really need to get some exercise, make wiser choices for dinner, and read your Bible more? This plan will start new habits for you that will last a lifetime.
The plan is radical, I don't deny that. But it is so worth the 30-day focus on your mental, spiritual and physical health that I urge you to give this an honest effort. I feel certain you will not be sorry.
The book is divided into sections titles like Health-Related Toxins, Relationship Toxins, Financial Toxins. Each day is detailed with spiritual toxins, corresponding emotional toxins and a correlating physical detox. Specific internal organs are cleansed with each day's food. She lists what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner with a mid-morning juice or smoothie and an afternoon snack, ending the day with a nightcap (a healthy one!) Laura also advises that if you have activities and obligations coming up such as weddings, reunions, etc. that you wait for a month when you don't have a lot of obligations. She does however tell you how you can keep those commitments while on the plan, if need be. Simply put, this is a great book. The caveat is this; be ready to change your life if you read this book.
I give The 30-Day Faith Detox five stars!
22 of 25 people found the following review helpful.
Worthwhile different content to the usual 30 day meditation
By Swiss Girl
I expected the book to be another version of the many Christian scripture for the day books.
This book is quite different.
The 30 day programme is section 3-7; the 30 day programme has scripture meditations and/ or contemporary stories of faith challenges, but it accompanied by a detoxing eating plan with recipes covering smoothies , juices, and meal suggestions. It is arranged to cover five meaningful areas - relationships, financial issues, health matters, emotional damage, and personal esteem. Whilst I didn't necessarily agree with every perspective by the author, it was stimulating and interesting as a tool for a daily conversation with God. There was a lot of "meat" in these daily studies although the days themselves were not clearly signposted in the kindle edition. Each day has a "Spiritual Toxin","Emotional Toxin" , and a "Physical Detox".
The first section of the book is entitled "Faith and Physics". I have awarded the book 4 stars since I found this first bit hard work , despite being mathematically orientated, but I am glad I persisted and , at the end of the book, the link to the initial material became clear. I became more engaged with the book as I learned more of the author's personal story.
I received a free copy of this book for my honest review.
See all 93 customer reviews...
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